Conceptualisation of Socio Educational Participation

Careemdeen, Jalal Deen (2024) Conceptualisation of Socio Educational Participation. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 50 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2581-6268

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Aims: This paper aims to comprehensively explore socio-educational participation by synthesizing insights from open-access databases. The study focuses on understanding the multifaceted nature of educational involvement through an examination of parental participation in student learning, student engagement in lesson activities, and involvement in extracurricular pursuits.

Study Design: The review encompasses multiple reputable platforms, including Sage Journals, Scopus, Google Scholar, Educational Resource Centre (ERIC), JSTOR-Journal Storage, Emerald, Science Direct, SpringerLink, Taylor and Francis, and Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ). The search is guided by keywords such as socio-education participation, student participation in learning, and parental participation in student learning. The study's conceptual framework is rooted in sociological theories and secondary data, enriched by current literature reviews from diverse perspectives and sources.

Place and Duration of Study: The study is conducted across various online platforms and databases, spanning a duration determined by the availability of relevant literature. The review incorporates insights from a wide array of sources to ensure a comprehensive analysis of socio-educational participation.

Methodology: The research employs a systematic approach to review 75 selected articles, utilizing varied databases to gather insights. The synthesis of diverse perspectives and a meticulous review contribute to a nuanced understanding of socio-educational participation. The study also explores varied definitions and interpretations of socio-educational participation, shaped by scholars and organizations with distinct thematic motivations.

Results: The findings shed light on the dynamic relationships within the educational sphere, emphasizing the importance of parental engagement, student involvement in academic pursuits, and participation in extracurricular activities for a holistic educational experience. The conceptualization in this study identifies three integral components: parental participation in student learning, student engagement in lesson activities, and involvement in extracurricular pursuits.

Conclusion: By analyzing the intricacies of socio-educational participation, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the multifaceted nature of educational involvement. The synthesis of diverse perspectives and a meticulous review of literature offer a nuanced understanding of the subject, providing valuable insights for educators, researchers, and policymakers aiming to enhance educational experiences.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: EP Archives > Social Sciences and Humanities
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2024 06:38
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2024 06:38

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